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Wallet Tracking Tool

The Tracking Tool is designed to provide investors with all the necessary information about their investments in a structured manner, eliminating the need for them to manually check their wallets. With this tool, investors can easily access details about their investments and earnings. It consolidates information from all the Launchpads the wallet has participated in, allowing investors to effortlessly track their moves and earnings. This centralized platform simplifies the decision-making process, enabling investors to compare Launchpads and manage their investments effectively. They can make informed decisions based on comprehensive statistics from their past operations.

Private Group on Telegram

Introducing a Telegram Group designed to keep investors well-informed and updated about upcoming IDOs from various platforms, as well as upcoming events such as exchange listings or app/game releases for previously launched projects. This centralized platform ensures that investors do not miss out on any opportunities, eliminating the need to visit multiple websites or Telegram groups. Everything they need to know can be found in one place, making it convenient and efficient for them to stay informed and seize every opportunity.

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