Project Roadmap

# 2022 - 2024

Jan - June

The site creation will be followed by building social media presence to introduce the project. The team will expand to manage development, quality, HR, marketing, and social media.

July - Aug

Dapps Development


Introducing the project to the public through a presale in collaboration with other Launchpads and unveiling the project roadmap, including the first NFT exhibition.


First Seed Sale - BeAi

Feb - March 2023

First LV-IDO organisation. Website Update. First IDO investment & participations on other IDO platforms.


Marketing push, staking reveal, and forming partnerships.


ETH network XLV Launch with massive marketing


Seed Sales kick off for XLV holders - IDO Shareholding

Jan - 2024

Developing additional modules on the website, forming partnerships with other projects to expand the audience. Also, organizing the first 3D NFT exhibition.

Feb - March

Project review & Audit service, AMA sessions, expanding partnerships


Trading bot development & Launch - Tracking tool


Roadmap Update

Last updated